Looking to create a .edu email, but all methods do not work anymore? You can get it setup easily.
You probably want this for? Amazon, Dreamspark, Microsoft, Office 365, And so on… So that you know you are not wasting your value-able time.
Alright to do this you have to go to:
1. https://apply.vccs.edu/
2. Open up www.fakenamegenerator.com in background.
3. Fill in captcha, and press new user.
4. Fill in the details, press submit
5. You will get another screen, press “Apply”, and then “Apply Now”
6. So this is were you have to fill in alot of random information. As SSN edit the for example 245-23-xxxx to 245-23-2091, doesn’t really matter.
7. They require alot of information, I know. This will take a moment and just fill everything in with random information.
8. Once you’ve been through all steps, it is most IMPORTANT that you save the details as provided in the last screenshot in the spoiler. They will give you your student information, ( THIS WILL BE YOUR LOGIN AS WELL)
9. After all steps you will be forwarded to https://my.vccs.edu/jsp/home.jsp your .edu is not activated just YET.
10. Now go to this website http://mail.email.vccs.edu/ It will login
11. Now login with the credentials you saved, and you will be promoted to gmail, with a .edu extension.