provides an easy to use online tool that can easily gain you likes from real genuine people all over the world fro free. Well obviously their service is free if your wish is upto 100 likes but if you want to gain some more likes than you have to pay for their premium package. Check below steps on how you can also start gaining free likes for your status updates.
1. Visit and you will see something like below just click on the link saying click to get access-id.
2. Now you will be promoted to install an application from Samsung, so just click on Install and than click on Allow All.
3. Now as soon as you will click on Allow All you will see a page saying Success, with URL something like below, now you just need to copy the access_token from url which you will get in your own browser.
4. That’s it now return to the homepage and paste the access id in the field provided and click on Submit.
5. Now you will see another page displaying your name and other information with your last updated status on which you are going to get instant likes.
6. Just fill out the captcha and press submit, now just see your likes gaining live and make sure not to close the captcha page till its fully loaded.