The Ghost Rider feature film follows superstar motorcycle stunt rider Johnny Blaze as he strikes a deal with the vile Mephistopheles for the most precious of commodities – his immortal soul. Now Johnny Blaze is forever destined to ride night after night as the host to the powerful supernatural entity known as the Ghost Rider. The video game continues the storyline, dropping players into the role of Blaze as he is transformed into a super hero with powers to avenge any evil he encounters. Featuring many of the characters and motorcycles from the comic book and movie, Ghost Rider engages gamers in an immersive, supernatural third person world with a seamless blend of hand-to-hand combat and high-speed motorcycle action.
Produced in part by Marvel’s dedicated game production division, this game is based on the Marvel comic and 2006 motion picture starring Nick Cage. The tormented superhero/anti-hero Johnny Blaze, once a heroic daredevil cycle rider before making a deal with the devil for his soul in exchange for the life of his father, rides in this action-packed videogame adventure. Ghost Rider features both on-foot brawling action, full of combos and hellish hits, as well as Hell Cycle high-speed racing. Famed comic writers Garth Ennis and Jimmy Palmiotti have lent their talents to the videogame’s storyline.
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