Greetings, im New here and i want to share something that everybody is looking for: a 100% Working Bot for Lik4Lik Dot Org totally Free. This is a easy and 100% Tested Working Bot for Like FB Pages.
Also im including the iMacros scripts for Followers, Post Liker, Post Share. Also Scripts for Twitter Follow and Retweet, and the Scripts for YouTube Follow and Like.
The Scritps works only with Mozilla Firefox and 2 AddOns
1. Get Mozilla FireFox:
1.1 Install Mozilla and Setup your configuration settings (optional)
2. Get the Addons
2.1 iMacros: Download (Install & Restart Firefox)
2.2 Greasemonkey: Download (Install & Restart Firefox)
3. Download The Scripts
FB Like Bot & Antibot System (100% Working): >> DOWNLOAD <<
4. After installed Firefox and Addons, open your “Documents” Folder on your pc and find the Folder called “iMacros”,
open it and enter the folder called “Macros” copy the “imacros_lik4likbot.js”script and the other Scripts with “*.iim” extension content in there.
5. Open Mozilla Firefoz Browser >File>Open -> Select the previos downloaded file “Secure_Antibot.user.js” from the “L4LFBLikeBot” Folder and Opent It
A dialog window will ask to Install the Script, proceed to Install and Restart the Browser.
6. Go to the Like4Like Dot Org site, and LogIn with ur acc. (Save Your Password). Also Login in the Social Networks you will use on Like4Like Site. (FB, Twitter, Youtube)
7. Once you are Logged on the Like4Like Site, click on the iMacros Button, it will show a Dialog on the left Side, select the “imacros_lik4likbot” script and press “RUN” / “EXECUTE”
8. The Bot will start to work, you can continue doing your stufff (Dont Close The Browser while Bot its working) -> ENJOY earning free points!
9. To use the other options enlisted, just selec the option you want to run on the iMacros Dialog window, (Follower, Sharer, Post Like, Tweeter Follows -Retweets, Youtube Likes – Follows) and press “RUN” / “EXECUTE”.