WhatsApp is like a breathing air among college friends and working people in social networking. Mostly it is used for chatting, fun sharing, exchanging information and being connected for work. It is a must have app for every smartphone users nowadays. Facebook’s WhatsApp have gained significant success and its popularity is growing day by day.
In this article, we will guide you to install WhatsApp without having your mobile number. For some or other privacy reasons or a willingness to create an anonymous WhatsApp account is a possibility. But it is always recommended to use WhatsApp with your own registered mobile number.
Many people have an identity crisis or they just wish to stay hidden on social networks. This trick is very productive for all of them.
Using this tip, you can also access anonymous WhatsApp on your laptop or PC using Android Emulators such as Andy, Blue-stack etc. This process requires a fake number to bypass WhatsApp Verification.
Method 1: Using receivefreesms.com
Download and Install WhatsApp on your Device or computer (Need Blue-stack to access Whatsapp on PC)
Visit receivefreesms.com and select the number which suits your country. Use the same number to install WhatsApp and follow the verification page.
Now again go to the receivefreesms.com and click on a number which you choose. You will get the code on the same page. Use this code to enter on WhatsApp registration page.
If WhatsApp asks to re-verify your number that may be because someone other may have used the same number meanwhile. Just choose another random number.
Method 2: Using ‘Text+’ App
Download and Install WhatsApp the usually we do. But don’t start it yet. Download and install another app called “Text+“
Now click on the Text+ App and go to Settings > Panel > Go to Contact.
There is a private number available for App usage. Use this number for Whatsapp installation. You will receive SMS for WhatsApp verification code on Text + App.
Enjoy your WhatsApp Anonymously.
Method 3: Using Spoof text message
Just enter any wrong but dead number while installation. Certainly WhatsApp will fail to register and ask to try the another method.
With this now you can choose email verification method. Enter your email and click on proceed. Submit and immediately click Cancel without any delay.
Get Spoof text message for Android (Fake message for iPhone) to proceed with registration. Now go to Outbox, copy the details to complete verification.
This way you will complete the WhatsApp installation without any SIM number. If you have any ideas kindly comment below and share the article.